review of Susan Iverson book, “Tapestry with Pulled Warp,” Textile Society of America reads
forward to catalog, International Fiber Arts of Time exhibition, Visusa Bharati University, India
A Day in the Weave of…Weavers Bazaar, newsletter
review of Tommye Scanlin, “The Nature of Things,” review for NGU press (2020); book blurb
The Art is the Cloth—how to look at and understand tapestry, Schiffer Books
Daily Practice—Tapestry Diaries, Fiber Art Now, summer
What it means to weave a number, WEBS ecalendar
What I learned being a curator, Fiber Art Now, winter
Catalog essay for The Art is the Cloth, traveling exhibition (I served as curator)
The Rhythms of Julia Mitchell’s Tapestries, ATA newsletter, summer
editor, Tapestry Topics, spring
Catalogs are Great!–and Troublesome, Looking at ATB [American Tapestry Biennial]
VIII. Tapestry Topics [quarterly journal of the American Tapestry Alliance], winter
TWiNE [Tapestry Weavers in New England] on display, a review, River Tree Center for
the Arts, Kennebunk, ME, 5 September – 4 October 08, Tapestry Topics, winter
Artist Residencies at the Tasara Centre for Creative Weaving, Beypore, India.
Fiberarts, January-February
Middeleeus Europees en pre-Colombiaans/Europäische Webtechniken aus dem
Mittelalter und prä-Kolumbische Gewebe [Ideas of the Miniature: Looking at some
tapestries woven by Archie Brennan and Susan Martin Maffei], Handwerken Zonder
Grenzen/Ornamente, #131, Jun-Aug
Guest editor, Tapestry Topics, summer
By Hand in the Electronic Age: Contemporary Tapestry, at the Textile Museum,
Washington, DC, 27 March – 5 September 2004. Tapestry Topics, fall
Susan Iverson talks about her work. Shuttle Spindle & Dyepot, #128
Uncovering Barbara Heller. Shuttle Spindle & Dyepot, #127
Joanne Soroka: History in Unmarked Lives. Shuttle Spindle & Dyepot, #125
Deborah Cross loves to weave–and she’s making a business of it!. Shuttle
Spindle & Dyepot, #123
Pat Johns and her tapestries. Shuttle Spindle & Dyepot, #122
And I’m in awe of how much is done by volunteers! HGA [Handweavers Guild of
America] at 30. Shuttle Spindle & Dyepot, #119
Something which dares to be itself–Silvia Heyden’s Tapestries. Shuttle Spindle &
Dyepot, #118
Norbert Zawisza, The Central Museum of Textiles and the Lodz Trienalle of Tapestry.
Shuttle Spindle & Dyepot, #117
Bringing a point of view to the jurying process–Holly Hotchner and Small
Expressions. Shuttle Spindle & Dyepot, #116
Donna Martin—The Power of Lightning. Shuttle Spindle & Dyepot, #115
The Art is the Cloth–Helena Hernmarck’s tapestries. Shuttle Spindle & Dyepot, #114
Dan Zulawski, PS#3 and the Fiber Arts. Shuttle Spindle & Dyepot, #113
Susan Martin Maffei keeps weaving. Shuttle Spindle & Dyepot, #113
Adriana Scalamandré Bitter, Convergence ’98 keynote speaker. Shuttle Spindle &
Dyepot, #112 (1997)
Doing It Up Right–Rachel Brown and Weaving Southwest. Shuttle Spindle & Dyepot, #111
Woven by the Grandmothers. Shuttle Spindle & Dyepot, #110
Victor Jacoby, Tapestry Weaver. Shuttle Spindle & Dyepot, #109
British Tapestry Today. Shuttle Spindle & Dyepot, #108
Remembering Barbara Eckhardt. Shuttle Spindle & Dyepot, #108
Textiles Sismographes, seminar. “News and Information section”, Shuttle
Spindle & Dyepot, #105
Randall Darwall, Sigrid Weltge, Profiles of Convergence, 96, speakers. Shuttle Spindle
& Dyepot, #104
From the Land of the Thunder Dragon, the textiles of Bhutan. Shuttle Spindle &
Dyepot, #103
A Doctor in Homespun–Mary P. Dole of Western Massachusetts. Shuttle
Spindle & Dyepot, #100,
La Manufacture Nationale des Gobelins. Shuttle Spindle & Dyepot, #99
New Directions for the 90’s, an interview with Leslie Voiers, Shuttle Spindle & Dyepot, #93
Fiber Art–New Directions for the Nineties. review, ITNET Journal, July
First Stages: January to March, 1984, essay, in book “Forceps of Language”, Australia
Patryc Wiggins & the Newport Mill Tapestry Project. Shuttle Spindle & Dyepot, #87
Sharon Marcus and Murray Gibson, one person shows at the CTA. review, ITNET
Journal, June
Struggling with Freedom. cover story, Fiberarts, summer
Arturowek mit amerikanischen Augen betrachtet [Looking at Arturowek with
American Eyes]. Textilforum, Heft 1/91
International Connections. Fiberarts, March/April
Eindrücke von einer Europareise [Impressions during a Trip in Europe].
Textilforum, Heft 4/89